Reverse Immunogenic Evolutionary selection pressure
Common ancestor of *Omicron* would have been selection-pressured to *LOOSE* immune evading mutations.
Reverse Phylogenetics
So, Omicron surprised everybody:
ð The little bugger knew how to read papers & had collected *ALL* published immune-evading mutations of the successive Alpha (UK) - Beta(Where?) - P1 Gamma(Brasil) - Delta(India), and Eta, Iota, Mu (Peru), etc.
25 published mutations, over 39 non synonymous, over total 52 sequence nucleotide mutations.
@Vbruttel: The chance of randomly evolving 25 published mutations is <1 in 10^65. Only scientists making synthetic polymutants or next generation vaccines can precisely copy spike mutations from all other variants and older immune escape papers.
https:/ /
PLUS: it's an *OLD* variant, phylogenetically diverging 2020-02-18 running strains (hint: time travel meaning staying frozen in a freezer).
And it appeared at once, everywhere, once everybody started looking (testing) for it, which means we don't know where it started. It appeared everywhere, once we started testing for it (just like the original COV-2).
. This is same gisaid, on date 2021/12/10:
So, Science says some malevolent mad scientist, most probably serving the evil dwellings of a totalitarian power forsaking the most sacred values of humanity & civilization & aiming for total world domination & possible extermination of the other faction, must have *MADE* it.
Just setting up the scene here.
Now here is the thought exercise:
ð We consider as an absolute true fact that the aquisition of immune evading mutations *FAVORS* each "variant", and that the immune pressure is what has generated all these successive immune evading variants from an ancestor which didn't have them: we observe apparition of immune evading mutations, classic.
So, appearance of a phylogenetically "OLD" COV2 with all the accumulated immune evading mutations among whole clades of variants appears nefarious, implying apparently prior knowledge, intent & design.
The Reverse Hypothesis:
Now, what if it's the opposite?
That it is Antibody-based immune reaction that *FAVORS* the virus? That immune evasion *DISFAVORS" the virus.
Common ancestor of *Omicron* would have been selection-pressured to *LOOSE* immune evading mutations.
Dramatic pics are key to successful Substacks: here Omicron, represented by the un-augmented limbed squirrel, messing up phylogenics, represented by the un-augmented limbless snake.
(sorry, source forgotten-pic not mine, presented for educational purpose, no copyright infringement).
Of course, this is almost as nefarious: it means common ancestor COV2 was *designed to evade an immune pressure that didn't exist yet* in a naive population.
Something's not right here, or is that a-b-c of LAV development? (Yes, someone made COV2 ancestor to have all possibly imaginable immune evading characteristics, so as to deliver a genetic cargo without human bio-counter measures).
And looking back post hoc to a re-appearing common ancestor, this common ancestor would appear to differ miraculously or nefariously from mutated descendants, still having most of such (published) mutation sites.
Repeat release/leak of original release/leak will produce just that, all variants having LOST one or more immune evading mutations away from it, while common ancestor still has them all.
Oh, phylogenics is settled (that's Sehtled Scients): " validated by when thousands of samples were collected."
Ref: /qMXGc

Well, with all due respect & very humbly: The *RELATION* is validated, the *DIRECTION* is always hypothetical, as well as origin of the tree. May be more parsimonious to suppose that Omicron is (close to) a common ancestor of all variants to explain its common "mutations", than to imagine how it collected them post-hoc.
Just click UNROOTED. And our orange little bugger Omicron appears *EXACTLY* where *BAT* is in all the bloody Zoonati papers currently hurriedly being shredded.
OMICRON is a recent descendent of an n’th repeated release/leak of SARS-COV-2 ancestor.
Additional detail - in Omicron, Ratio of Non-Synonymous vs Synomymous mutations is off in relation to other variants: if the original release was already "codon optimized" (yes, made, engineered, manipulated, optimized), then mutations cease to be as "random" as in a wild type.
They will be selected only if they are significant => less S mutation than NS.
That's all. Reverse Immunogenic evolutionary selection pressure is more parsimonious hypothesis in relation with repeat or continuous laboratory leak of SARS-COV-2 ancestor, than sentient virus quase-species knowing how to read papers.
No, I'm not asking anybody to pay for this. Please falsify me (demonstrate the Reverse Immunogenic Evolutionary Selection Pressure Hypothesis is false).
So, who done it?
This pic below is is a Teaser for a next Substack.
Note: a sound debate practice is to declare not only COI, but also Current Status of Preformed Opinion. This writer is just as anti-Zoonati as anti-wuhanaati.
They started a *WAR* to distract from *THIS*.
That it is Antibody-based immune reaction that *FAVORS* the virus? That immune evasion *DISFAVORS" the virus.
Yes, that means the mRNA/AD DNA "injectables" generated antibodies are counter productive, which nasdac is slowly taking into account.
Reactive AB's have never been corrolated to "protection from disease or death", it's actually the opposite, it's among the stuff that kills ppl, the younger the more so.
Yeah - revolting, been a while.