The REVERSER of World Commerce
Planning the next Pearl Harbour, same causes, same consequences: SHUT DOWN OIL TO [some competitor asian country], >AGAIN<. Oh, and also so the truth about COV2's manufactured chimeric origin.
“We need to start thinking of what happens when the US is no longer the garantor of global commerce, and instead becomes an agent of disorder.
For I don't think we're that far off.”
The Germans *WILL* flip.
I read various opposed sources of data, namely here USSR x USSA, to try to form an view of what is REALLY happening and what to expect/plan.
“Truth” is *NEVER* a mid-point: there is always one party spewing Bullshit, and the other either ALSO spewing Bullshit, or telling something closer to the truth.
1- Preamble:
For example, in the case of COV-2, it’s clear that *BOTH* USA and PRC were spewing BS and covering up their respective shennanigans, one making and the other robbing illegal shit, both corrupt & exploited by third parties aiming to make billions & cull the world’s population on a corrupt techno-nazi-satanic-green agenda.
Little mystery COV-2 was made in Rocky Mountain Lab (Hello Angie, see you on the gallows), leaked to White Tail Deer -transiting much later through Winnipeg and sent to Wuhan by [some expelled/not named/not judged foreign researcher], with these regrettable collaterals:
1- Plummer dead
He definitely got it, what had happened.
2- Expulsion of a crew of Chinese collaborators: Democide, but NOT from the virus, from the injection:
Well, they stole it, but *it* was already OUT, and anyways it was just as shitty as anything US engineered in the past 25 years, and it’s only the mRNA injection that would prove worse than the F35 in terms of self-own, and with a MUCH WIDER AFFECTED POPULATION - democidal.
26 JAN 2020
Coronavirus Bioweapon – How China Stole Coronavirus From Canada And Weaponized It
2- I don’t remember ever having posted US Naval Academy Video
Energy at the end of the World
Mr. Peter Zeihan, Geopolitical Strategist and Global Energy Expert
April 26, 2022
"Over the next few years, we'll probably loose a billion people from famine"
Does include typical yankee wishfull thinking, like:
>> Ukrainians can actually expect to win this 🤡🤡🤡
>> PRC to collapse this decade or this year.
but otherwise *LOTS* of interesting data. Parabens.
No, I don't remember ever having posted US Navy lecture, but yeah, I read USSR *AND* USSA data. And even 🤡 CNN🤡 to see what *message* was commissioned to be imprinted upon us.
3- The POINT
from @01:25, with [Map of choke points in World Oil Cargo Flows - to Asia]
My biggest concern for the future of this world, is not so much that the US moves away from its alliance network, but that the US once it becomes completely economically isolated, which we're very close to now, flips, and instead of garanteeing global commerce, will be willing to mess with it to achieve this or that goal.
We need to start thinking of what happens when the US is no longer the garantor of global commerce, and instead becomes an agent of disorder.
For I don't think we're that far off.
And if for example, the Germans flip in this conversation on Ukraine, that might be enough to shift the US into that role.
If the Chinese and the Indians, prove a degree of success in getting enough crude out of Russia, that might be enough to piss us off that we play this role.
And once we've proven that we can do it, *EASILY* we can do it.
Think... "they" can shut down the energy flows ("they": not hard for us, "they" is US DOD).
And there's not much anyone else in the world can do.
It affects THEIR prices, NOT OURS.
Obvious proclamation of: We can do it, Fuck the EU & rest-of-the-world.
Requoting: “And if for example, the Germans flip in this conversation on Ukraine, that might be enough to shift the US into that role.”
Reformulated: If Europe doesn’t kill itself, we kill it.
4- What triggered Pearl Harbour?
Well, cutting Japan from its Indonesian Oil supply.
=> So lets cut China from its Energy supply. So we make WW3, WW2 was good money, and War is always good money.
5- Well Chaps, it ain’t gonna work this time
A- Active DOD personnel are all m-RNA vaccinated, those single seated F35 who manage to take off will crash with uncapacitated pilots at 1,05 G - DOD was obviously compromised;
B- Mr. Kinzhal & Mr.Sarmat would like to have a word with you to get you Kalibrated on the issues at hand.
C- Germany will flip: Germans are not made as they used to be.
I know, there are places here with more Germans than people.
It’s a joke I always make, it’s ok to make racist jokes with Germans.
Partial list of the sequences of amino acids (proteins) of various pathogenic agents present in the Sars-Cov-2 genome:
Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Mycobacterium leprae, Bacillus anthracis, Borrelia burgdorferi, Clostridium perfringens, Clostridium tetani, Helicobacter Pylori, Listeria monocytogenes, Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus pyogenes, Vibrio cholera and Yersinia pestis), two malarial parasites (Plasmodium falciparum and Plasmodium knowlesi) and influenza virus A.
We can add nipah, herpes, HIV, M. bovis to this list.
Question: when and how were these sequences added to Sars? D. Sirotkin says that the method used to add these pathogens was serial passage. However, he could not explain the mechanism by which mycobacterium in the atmosphere were replaced with Sars-Cov-2 (which is mycobacterium and not a virus). The mechanism is this: HeLa cell line technology, which had been discovered by Kurt Blome in the '30s, and which was later imported to the US in the 40s and 50s. Blome had realized that bacteria communicate through radio waves, and that the pathogenicity of certain mycobacterium could be greatly increased using the betatron and neutron radiation.
By far, the most virulent pathogens on that list are M. tuberculosis/M. bovis and B. anthracis, which means two pandemics running in parallel, once those pathogens are fully activated. Smallpox/mousepox is actually mousepox which again is a mycobacterium and not a virus (the second pathogenic agent in the list featured above). That is, the monkeypox pandemic is still Sars-Cov-2, it is just that we are witnessing the deattenuation process.
The elites know that we are reaching the very end of a geological/astronomical world age. However, the correct context of this phenomenon is geocentrism, not heliocentrism, a fact which has been well hidden from public view.